This page contain Jonas Martinsson's papers on Agile software development. Agile development is a better way of developing software, but requires a social-cultural paradigm shift for a software development organization. Like all changes, this can be scary. To help organizations with the transition, these two papers are made available for free.
first article is a diary
of a Sweden-based software development team that adapted the extreme
programming methodology. Jonas, who coached and managed the
team, describes the actual problems and successes that they
experienced in each iteration. The full document is available in
PDF format .
second article is Jonas' master's thesis and describes
how extreme programming and the Capability Maturity Model (the CMM) can
go hand in hand to build a stronger development team. The full text of
the paper is available in PDF format . The analysis was adapted for the Extreme Programming 2003 conference and is included in the book Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in
Software Engineering : 4th International Conference, XP 2003, Genova,
Italy, May 25-29, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science),
published by Springer Verlag.