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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

SQL Server 2005 - Everywhere Edition

Microsoft recently announced a new edition in their SQL Server 2005 family of products: Everywhere Edition. This is a free and lightweight version of SQL Server 2005.

So what is different from the Express Editions that is required for us Made In Express Finalists? I can only talk for myself but the Everywhere Edition would be more suitable than the Express Edition for my Windows Forms application for a number of reasons (source: Steel Price's blog):

  • runtime size is only 1.4MB (in-process),
  • single data file without transition log,
  • smaller redistributable package,
  • embeddable in applications.

In short, Everywhere Edition is more system resource friendly! Of course, there are some limitations in Everywhere, compared with Express, for example it cannot run as a service and lacks multiuser support. These issues are not relevant for my project FeedJournal though.

So what do you say Microsoft: can we use the Everywhere Edition in Made In Express Contest?

© Jonas Martinsson 1995-2006